The Official Wojciech Paszynski Website

Wojciech Lucjan Paszyński – historian, lecturer, writer.

Dr. Wojciech Paszyński (ID:;

Dr. Wojciech Paszyński, born July 5, 1985, Warsaw, Poland. Doctor of humanities (PhD) in history, specializing in the field of history of science. He defended his doctoral thesis at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań (AMU), in November 2015. He graduated in history (2011) and archeology (2008) at the Faculty of History, Jagiellonian University. He also studied American Studies at the University of Warsaw (2011-2012) and Latin American Studies at the Jagiellonian University (2012-2013). From 2016-2019 he lectured on the history of medicine at the English-speaking medical studies at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University (AFMKU), as well as classes in the international relations (all lectures in English) at that university. Lecturer in the history of economic thought and investment philosophy at the AGH University of Science and Technology (2019-2024). Author of three books and about twenty scientific articles. He speaks six languages (Polish, English, German, French, Spanish, Russian).

Research interests: history of science, history of medicine, Old Polish historiography.

Other interests: belles-lettres, politics, sport, painting, genealogy and heraldry, classical and film music, cinema, foreign languages.

List of conducted lectures:

1. Milestones of Economic Thought
2. Philosophy of Intelligent Investing from Benjamin Graham to Warren Buffett
3. Titans of Business. The Secret of Millionaires’ Success
4. History of Medicine



  • Paszyński W., Remarkable Poles. Pioneers, inventors, explorers, 2024.
  • Paszyński W., Amazing Poles, 2023.
  • Paszyński W., Sarmatia and Vandalia. Introduction to the Polish Paranational Concepts, [in:] Słowiańszczyzna dawniej i dziś – język, literatura, kultura. Monografia ze studiów slawistycznych, vol. 5, A. Kołodziej, M. Ślawska, A. Ursulenko, B. Juszczak (Eds.), Wrocław 2022, pp. 371-377.
  • Paszyński W., “Edeljude” and the Miraculous Salvation — the Case of a Close Relationship Between Adolf Hitler and the Jewish Doctor Eduard Bloch (1872–1945), Radzyński Rocznik Humanistyczny, vol. 19 (2021), pp. 89-98.
  • Paszyński W., Mystery of Success, Fame and Fortune: The perfect life guidebook with famous quotes ever!, Las Vegas 2020.
  • Paszyński W., Confessions of a Doctor from Thirty-Three Centuries Ago. Mika Waltari’s The Egyptian in the Reading Public Opinion and Scientific Reception, [in:] Doctor as an Author and Literary Figure, E. Białek & D. Lewera (Eds.), Wrocław 2019, pp. 161-184.
  • Paszyński W., Vandalia. The Oldest Vision of Poland’s Prehistory, Sandomierz 2019.
  • Paszyński W., Poland as Vandalia. Vandalian Concept in the Polish Historiography of Medieval Times, „Orbis Linguarum” vol. 51/2018, pp. 357-390.
  • Paszyński W., Sarmatians and Scholars. Dispute over the Origin of the Poles, Kraków 2016.
  • Paszyński W., The Ethos Extincted or Alive Forever? Nobility and Chivalry versus Media Culture, [in:] Nature – Human – Culture, Katarzyna Potyrała, Andrzej Kornaś, Małgorzata Kłyś (Eds.), Kraków 2017, pp. 143-154.
  • Paszyński W., Poland as „Antemurale” and „Homeland of Saints”. Theme of 'Bulwark’ in the 'New Athens’ by Benedict Chmielowski, „Nasza Przeszłość” 2017/1, vol. 127, pp. 185–199.
  • Paszyński W., Celnik H., Wood Tar in the Polish Medical Treatment, „Medycyna nowożytna. Studia nad kulturą medyczną” 2016/2(22), pp. 109-125.
  • Paszyński W., Father Benedict Chmielowski – the life and work of Firlejow’s Diogenes, „Nasza Przeszłość” 2015/2, vol. 124, pp. 105–136.
  • Paszyński W., Tarnished Reputation of 'New Athens’ (first Polish encyclopedia) by Benedykt Chmielowki and Attempts of Restoring It, „Prace Historyczne UJ” 2014/1(141), pp. 37–59.
  • Paszyński W., The Birth of Medicine, „Vita Medium” 2011/10, pp. 58–59.
  • Paszyński W., Medicine of Primitive Tribes, „Vita Medium” 2011/11, pp. 50–51.
  • Paszyński W., Medicine of Ancient Mesopotamia, „Vita Medium” 2012/12, pp. 46–47.
  • Paszyński W., Medicine of Ancient Egypt, „Vita Medium” 2012/13, pp. 48–49.
  • Paszyński W., Medicine of Ancient India, „Vita Medium” 2012/14, pp. 50–51.
  • Paszyński W., Medicine of the Far East, „Vita Medium” 2012/15, pp. 32–34.
  • Paszyński W., Medicine of Pre-Columbian America, „Vita Medium” 2012/16, pp. 34–35.
  • Paszyński W., Medicine of Ancient Greeks and Romans, „Vita Medium” 2012/17, pp. 29–31.
  • Paszyński W., Nowacki Ł., Medicine of Monks, Saints and Kings, „Vita Medium” 2013/18, pp. 29–31.
  • Paszyński W., Medicine of the Early Modern Times, „Vita Medium” 2013/19, pp. 28–31.

Conferences attended

• University of Wrocław, 23-24 February 2023
Lecture: Enigmatic Lechia. Between Traditional Naming and Post-Vincentian Prehistory

• University of Wrocław, 21-22 October 2021
Lecture: Sarmatia and Vandalia. Introduction to the Polish Paranational Concepts

• University of Wrocław, 25 October 2019
Lecture: “Edeljude”. Miraculous Survival of Doctor Eduard Bloch

• Polskie Towarzystwo Historii Medycyny i Farmacji, Oddział Wrocławski, 7-8 December 2018
Lecture: “Sinuhe the Egyptian” – the Ancient Court Physician in Mika Waltari’s Novel

• Uniwersytet Medyczny im. Karola Marcinkowskiego w Poznaniu, 7-8 December 2017
Lecture: A View on Ars Medica in the first Polish Encyclopedia. Medical Tradition Versus Empiria in the “New Athens” by Benedict Chmielowski

• Polskie Towarzystwo Historii Medycyny i Farmacji, Oddział Wrocławski, 28 October 2017
Lecture: An Oil Panacea. Wood Tar in the Nineteenth-Century Literature

• University of Wrocław, 17 March 2017
Lecture: Slavia-Sarmatia. The Cradle of Slavs in the Light of Old Polish Science

• Pedagogical University of Kraków, 19 May 2015
Lecture: The Ethos Extincted or Alive Forever? Nobility and Chivalry versus Media Culture

• A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan, 7–9 May 2015
Lecture: Aliens through the Eyes of „Hermit of Firlejow Forests”. World and Its Inhabitants in the Pages of „New Athens”

• Jagiellonian University, Cracow, 23 April 2015
Lecture: When the Poles-Sarmatians Vandalians were called. The Vandalian Theory versus Medieval Fate of 'Sarmatia’ Conception

• A. Mickiewicz University, Poznan, 8–9 May 2014
Lecture: Poland as „Antemurale” and „Homeland of Saints”. Theme of 'Bulwark’ in the 'New Athens’ by Benedict Chmielowski



Paternal line of Paszynski Family

  1. Laurenty Paszyński (ok.1770), city of Biecz; entrepreneur
  2. Józef Paszyński (ok. 1800 – 1880), city of Biecz; entrepreneur
  3. Florian Paszyński (1835 – ok. 1900), city of Biecz; entrepreneur
  4. Czesław Paszyński (1881 – 1945), city of Dukla – Kraków; official
  5. Captain Lucjan Paszyński (1905-1942), city of Biecz – Auschwitz, ID number 32553; officer and official
  6. Wojciech I Paszyński (1941 – 1985), Kraków – Zakopane; artist, alpinist
  7. Dr Wojciech II Paszyński (1985 – ), Warszawa – Krakow; historian, writer
Paternal line of Paszynski Family
Paszynski coat of arms
Czesław Paszyński (1881 - 1945), city of Dukla - Kraków; official
Captain Lucjan Paszyński (1905-1942), city of Biecz - Auschwitz, ID number 32553; officer and official
Captain Lucjan Paszyński (1905-1942), Auschwitz ID number 32553; officer and official, Hero of WWII
Book about the Polish officials from Cracow, who died for Poland during German occupation (1939-45), including Captain Lucjan Paszynski (1905-1942), died Auschwitz, ID number 32553; officer and official. Hero of WWII
Official dedication from the Cracow City Hall to Captain Lucjan Paszyński, who died fighting for the freedom of Poland
Bio of Capt. Lucjan Paszynski (1905-1942), Auschwitz ID No. 32553. Source: Wroński T., Albrecht J., Ludzie z marmurowej tablicy. Pracownicy Zarządu Miejskiego w stołeczno‑królewskim mieście Krakowie, którzy polegli lub zginęli z rąk okupanta w latach 1939‑1945, Kraków 1982, p. 219.
Book about Polish heroes who died from German occupant (1939-45), including Captain Lucjan Paszynski (1905-1942), died Auschwitz, ID number 32553; officer and official. Hero of WWII
In memory of Captain Lucjan Paszyński, who died fighting for the freedom of Poland. Source: Noskowicz-Bieroniowa H., Ciągle czekają z obiadem, Kraków 1987, pp. 237-238.
In memory of Captain Lucjan Paszyński, who died fighting for the freedom of Poland. Source: Noskowicz-Bieroniowa H., Ciągle czekają z obiadem, Kraków 1987, pp. 237-238.
Captain Lucjan Paszyński (1905-1942), city of Biecz - Auschwitz, ID number 32553; officer and official
Captain Lucjan Paszyński (1905-1942), city of Biecz - Auschwitz, ID number 32553; officer and official
Plaque in tribute to Captain Lucjan Paszyński, and other Polish officials from Cracow, who died fighting for the freedom of Poland. Source: Noskowicz-Bieroniowa H., Ciągle czekają z obiadem, Kraków 1987.
Zofia Paszyńska née Issmer (1909-2005), accountant, native of Alsace
Zofia Paszyńska née Issmer (1909-2005) on the day of her First Holy Communion. Cracow, c. 1918
Zofia Paszyńska née Issmer (1909-2005), accountant, native of Alsace
Teresa Folga née Dziadkowiec (1929-2017), Polish teacher, writer
Wojciech I Paszyński (1941 - 1985), Kraków - Zakopane; artist, alpinist
Wojciech I Paszyński (1941 - 1985), Kraków - Zakopane; artist, alpinist
Wojciech I Paszyński (1941 - 1985), Kraków - Zakopane; artist, alpinist
Wojciech I Paszyński (1941 - 1985), Kraków - Zakopane; artist, alpinist
Wojciech I Paszyński (1941 - 1985), Kraków - Zakopane; artist, alpinist
Wojciech I Paszyński (1941 - 1985), Kraków - Zakopane; artist, alpinist
Wojciech I Paszyński (1941 - 1985), Kraków - Zakopane; artist, alpinist
Wojciech I Paszyński (1941 - 1985), Kraków - Zakopane; artist, alpinist
Wojciech I Paszyński (1941 - 1985), Kraków - Zakopane; artist, alpinist
Wojciech I Paszyński (1941 - 1985), Kraków - Zakopane; artist, alpinist
Dr Wojciech II Paszyński (1985 – ), Warszawa – Krakow; historian, writer
Dr Wojciech II Paszyński (1985 – ), Warszawa – Krakow; historian, writer


Paszynski Family Archives

For years c. 1900-1985 see:




2011 – 2015


Adam Mickiewicz University (AMU), Poznan

Major: history, Doctoral studies

Ph.D. Thesis: Sarmatians and Scholars. Dispute over the Origin of the Poles in the Historiography of the Old Polish Period


2012 – 2013


Jagiellonian University (UJ), Cracow

American studies, specialization: Latin America (first semester)


2011 – 2012


University of Warsaw (UW)

American Studies Center – all lectures in English (first semester)


2008 – 2011


Jagiellonian University (UJ), Cracow

Major: history, Master’s studies, Specialization: archiving

MA Thesis: Sarmatian Threads in „New Athens” by Benedict Chmielowski


2005 – 2008


Jagiellonian University (UJ), Cracow

Major: archeology, Bachelor’s studies


Scientific Career


2019 – 2024 – AGH University of Science and Technology. Lecturing in the history of economic thought and investment philosophy. Three books and about twenty scientific articles

2016 – 2019 – Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University. Working as lecturer of the history of medicine in the Department of Medicine (studies in English)

2016 – 2017 – Jagiellonian University Medical College. Volunteer work in the Department of the History of Medicine – creating database of archival photographs of famous Polish physicians

2013 – 2015 – Active participation in scientific conferences and doctoral seminars, giving private English lessons

2009 – 2013 – Vita Medium magazine. Writing articles on health, history of medicine and sports

2011 – J. Dietls Specialized hospital, Cracow, Archives Department. 2nd degree internship

2010 – 2011 – State Archives, Department II, Cracow. 1st degree internship


Research Interests


• History of Science
• History of Medicine
• Old Polish historiography

Other interests:

• Belles-lettres
• Politics
• Sport
• Painting
• Genealogy and Heraldry
• Classical and Film music
• Cinema
• Foreign languages
• Slavic Ethnogensis

List of conducted lectures:

1. Milestones of Economic Thought
2. Philosophy of Intelligent Investing from Benjamin Graham to Warren Buffett
3. Titans of Business. The Secret of Millionaires’ Success
4. History of Medicine

The scope of didactic competences: organizing the teaching process, the ability to create favorable conditions for learning, transferring subject knowledge, establishing and maintaining contact with the audience, taking responsibility, assessing and recording the progress of individual students, shaping young people’s attitudes and habits to constantly acquire new knowledge and skills, using information resources independently, the ability to cooperate with others and solving problems; the ability to develop a civic and social attitude among students, the ability to work in a multicultural and socially diverse group, combining and organizing various, individual elements of knowledge, organizing seminars and practical exercises, working with text, discussion, case studies, using various sources of information

The scope of possessed practical competences: didactic and methodological competences, substantive competences, psychological and pedagogical competences, communication skills, listening to and using other people’s views, effective communication in various situations, creativity, critical information processing, planning, innovativeness, organization and proper skills evaluation of one’s own work, quick adaptation to new conditions, consistency in achieving goals, solving problems in a creative way, using a computer and other electronic devices, proficiency in the MS Office package (Windows platform; Word, Excel, PowerPoint), communication in several languages, fluency level in spoken and written Polish and English, expanding knowledge and improving skills





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Sports & Travel


Life records in powerlifting:
Bench press: 150 kg (2016)
Deadlift: 180 kg (2010)

Trail of the Eagle’s Nests 2007 (Krakow – Czestochowa, 2-4 August 2007). Ultramarathon (c. 150 km / 90 miles)

Wojciech Paszyński


Social Media





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Wojciech Paszynski's III Millenium. From History to the Future